On Faith

The woman with the issue of blood, honestly, I wish we had a better nickname for her because she really came through as a woman of faith.

In the gospel according to Mark, chapter 5: 25-34 we encounter this woman who had been plagued by an “issue of blood” for 12 years. Within those 12 years she had spent all she had on doctors, treatments but all to no avail, in fact she only got worse.

I imagine she began to hear of a man, who healed people, a man who didn’t require any fees, a man who ate and sat with outcasts. I imagine how she realised she had nothing to lose, but her life to gain. ‘Twas in that moment I imagine her believing, gathering whatever strength the disease hadn’t taken from her and crawling to Him, believing “if she could just touch the hem of His garment she would be healed”. She was healed, in an instant, and in that instant Jesus felt virtue flow out of Him and into her and He sought her out. Mind you Jesus was walking through a crowd, many people pressed and touched on Him. So why did He look for her the way He did? Did He even have to, she was after all healed?

Her faith is what made her stand out from everyone else in the crowed that pushed and pressed on Him, her faith is what made Him stop and turn to her. Her faith was like a sweet fragrance that attracted Him to her. Faith in Him healed her, His Grace found her and made her whole.
After 12 years of torment, she walked away healed whole and with peace.

Blessed be the one who makes us whole
Blessed be the one who requires no coin for my pain
Blessed is He who joys in my strength
Blessed is the one who I have waited for
Blessed be the one who did not pass me by
Blessed be the one who looks for me in a crowd
Blessed be the one who gifts me with peace

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