A Song of Solomon

This week, I’ve been serenaded by a line from a poem from Solomon…
“He brought me to the banqueting house, And his banner over me was love.”

Song of Solomon 2:4

I’m not sure there’s a feeling quite as good as being loved, especially when your lover is attentive, meticoulus to your being.
I imagine myself in an elegant ball gown, hand in hand with my beloved as He leads me to a magnificent feast. I love food, so of course I’m beaming with excitement as we walk into the room. As we walk in, people stop, and they stare. It’s not me they are staring at, but its what my love has covered me with, and it hovers over and around me, living and breathing, and no matter what I could do I can’t get it off of me, His love. His love, His being, His essence.
Oh how words fail to describe what it is like to be loved by God…

2 thoughts on “A Song of Solomon

  1. It’s all about the love of Jesus for us.
    Same way we should also aspire to be seen on our partners. We should manifest such glory of love such that when they walk around, people get to see that indeed they are well loved.

    Thanks for the word and lessons learnt

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